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Friday, October 4th

País InFocus: Ucrania

NOTA: Cuándo subas las imágenes, selecciona en el carrusel «diapositivas a mostrar» la cantidad de fotos que quieras que aparezca (deberían ser 3) y en tamaño, colócale personalizado y seleccionas estas dimensiones 250x380px (este es el tamaño predeterminado para las fotos). Si es 1 o 2 fotos que solo va a tener el carrusel, solo subelas y en dónde dice «diapositivas a mostrar» le colocas 1 o 2, según las que hayas subido y en «tamaño de la imagen» si dejas «large 1024x1024px»

Wholly Full is a physical theatre performance that explores adaptation to change – either to long-term transformations or to crises, when the norms of everyday life become distorted and uncertain.

In this context, the metaphor of «topography», the fixation of changes in a landscape, is used, but the concept is expanded to refer also to the body, mental states and memory.

Each of the three performers reflects on their specific experiences of change over the past years, which were marked by pandemic and war. Each in their own way questions the ways of finding wholeness in a state of permanent crisis.

Artistic data

• Intérpretes: Stanislav Galiant, Valeriy Simonchuk, Ivan Zavertaliuk


La obra fue creada con el apoyo de la Beca Antonin Artaud en Ucrania. Esta presentación cuenta con el apoyo de la Unión Europea en el marco del programa Casa de Europa.

  • Valeriy Simonchuk (performer, director, scenographer)

Since 2010, Valeriy has been working as an actor in improvisational, physical and documentary types of theatre, as well as a performer. He also creates performances either as a director, author or devising collaborator.

Among other places, he has worked at Teatro di Nascosto (Italy), ProEnglish Theatre, SCH Theatre and PostPlay Theatre in Kyiv. He created performances on the basis of PostPlay Lab, in particular, the site-specific performance «Nest» (2020) in Sabina’s pop-up gallery and Good Vibes Only (2021).

In December 2022, he premiered the performances “Wholly Full” (supported by the Antonin Artaud Fellowship) and “Antigone: Post-Mortem”. In January 2023, he performed a monologue in the European Parliament within the project “No Hope With Hope”, returning there in 2024 with the performance “Here We Are”. In January 2024, performed in and co-authored the performance piece “Let’s Leave Her Nameless”.


  • Ivan Zavertaliuk (performer)

Ivan works in independent theatre and in performative projects, including international ones. He completed a course in performative and bodily practices at the Tatwerk (Berlin) base, completed an internship in physical theatre under the direction of directors Thomas Mettler and Jordy Cortes Molina (DV8 company) in Spain (Barcelona).

In 2014, he took part in the Ukrainian-Polish theatre residency in the city of Lublin. Since 2018, he has been teaching the course «Physical Theatre», which uses elements from play theatre, contact improvisation, yoga, butoh, bodywork and partnering. In 2021, he completed a six-month internship in Denmark majoring in performing arts, the result of which was the creation of the play «so far so far».


  • Stanislav Galyant (performer, musician)

Stanislav has graduated from the Faculty of Psychology of the Medical University in Kyiv. In 2016 – 2017, he studied acting at the ProEnglish Theatre and later acted there in such performances as “Something in the Mist”, “The Cripple of Inishmaan”, “Exam”, “Generation Shot”, “Stusanina” and “The Birthday Party”. He was also involved as a performer in a number of PostPlay Lab performances in 2020-2021