Programación Coordenadas #7fest

Jueves 2 de noviembre


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Espacio de encuentro y participación para compartir experiencias en torno a feminismos, disidencias y diversidad. Se realiza en un entorno de respeto, en el que se promueve la escucha, la empatía y la tolerancia hacia todas las personas. Una iniciativa de Culturia.

Viernes 3 de noviembre

Inauguración Cooordenadas7Fest

& Nunca bailaré solo

Iron Skulls Co

El bailarín se convierte en una luz en las sombras, recordándonos nuestra propia luz interna y esperanza olvidadas. Esta interpretación emocional transforma los sentidos, llevándonos a una dimensión misteriosa y llena de esperanza.

Sábado 4 de noviembre
Entre nosotros

Cía Marroch

Toda relación interpersonal lleva consigo un peso adicional, la responsabilidad de tratar bien a esa persona, cuidarla, poder discutir y saber reconciliarse. Ese camino que nos lleva a momentos mágicos y a veces amargos. Pero toda relación se acaba por que los caminos se bifurcan o simplemente llegan a su final, pero al fin y al cabo siempre queda entre nosotros.
Sábado 4 de noviembre
La que levita

Compañía Eugenia Carnevali y Fernando Ferrer

El cuerpo de una mujer es tomado por las mujeres de su historia. Una mujer que espera el regreso de quienes la adujeron, repasando las huellas del encuentro. Entonces se atraviesa lo inmanejable, delineando el porvenir. Abducciones extraterrestres. Un discurso que coopta, toma, divide y explora el propio cuerpo, propulsando a planos nuevos. 

Lunes 6 de noviembre

Frágil. Alma rota

Compañía AQUÍ

Interpretada por Patricia García y Camila Puelma.
Miércoles 8 de noviembre
Home sweet home

Compañía Alteraciones Danza-Teatro

Sobre cómo construimos entorno y comunidad para encontrar nuestro lugar en el mundo. En estas sociedades contemporáneas, el egoísmo y la acumulación de cosas parece ser el centro de la existencia. Nos pasamos la vida buscando nuestro camino y preguntándonos qué queremos realmente, qué debemos dejar ir y cuándo parar para ser lo más felices posible.

Miércoles 8 de noviembre

Ciclo hablemos de…


Danza – 2 Convergencias creativas


La Comisión de Danza de la Academia propone este CICLO que aglutina actividades de encuentros, diálogos entre disciplinas y especialidades, etc., en el que participan Académicos de todas las especialidades.

Viernes 10 de noviembre


Compañía Lola Eiffel

‘Vacía’ es un encuentro con el ‘Yo’ desde el lado más profundo. Los miedos, las risas, las luchas, las maravillosas historias vividas y los terribles desgarros del desamor sufridos. Pasando por abrazos, siempre los besos y una infinidad de sueños por cumplir, antes de que la muerte venga a buscarnos o la sociedad decida que ya no eres válida para casi nada.

Sábado 11 de noviembre

Cenizas de agua

Compañía EnClaveDANZA

Inspirada en comunidades afectadas por incendios, nuestra creación surge tras el devastador fuego en Arlanza en 2022 y el deseo de Santibáñez del Val de revitalizar la localidad con el arte.

Friday, October 4th

Wholly Full is a physical theatre performance that explores adaptation to change – either to long-term transformations or to crises, when the norms of everyday life become distorted and uncertain.


In this context, the metaphor of «topography», the fixation of changes in a landscape, is used, but the concept is expanded to refer also to the body, mental states and memory.

Sunday, October 6th
Cía UMAMI. Madrid

A fast-paced adventure with two hilarious characters, told through several stories intertwined endlessly that won’t leave you blinking.

Nothing like you’ve tried before, this street dance duo creates classic numbers with contemporary touches in a surreal blend of breakdance, theater, pantomime and physical comedy, using the audience as a link in the story.

Wednesday, October 16th
ACTIVIDAD con alumnos del TAI (Escuela Universitaria de Artes)
Practical sessions with participating students from the Escuela Universitaria de Artes TAI interested in participating as performers in the dramatized reading of the book “Poéticas de creación en danza”, published by the Academia de las Artes Escénicas de España.
Presentation of the results of the workshops carried out with the 3 students of the TAI school.
They interpret the texts of the choreographers: Israel Galván, Cristian Martín and Chevi Muraday. The texts were published in the book “Poéticas de creación en danza”, edited by the Academia de las Artes Escénicas de España.
Thursday, October 17th
Cía Daniel Abreu. Madrid.

In every relationship (not only affective) there are always three in play. In this case, the field is that third element that sustains and contains them.


The symbolism of this work is expressed through a light and subtle charge that every relationship carries. We play with gravity and balance. The wind and its recreation. The transfer of loads and poetry. Bodies move from the fragile, the sinuous.

Cía Laura López Muñoz y Pablo Pérez Alonso.

What is left after a house is demolished?

Who has the keys to this door?

Can I dance with you if you’re not here?

I wish those stones would listen to the party again…

Take the chairs away.

Don’t cry for me.

Ask me to dance.

Saturday, October 19th
Cía. La Lioparda.

Imaginarios Monstruosos begins when Pinocchio has already managed to become a child of flesh and blood. However, he lives with the fear of being discovered, the shame of having been born a puppet.

A version that reveals the monster that we imprison inside us for conforming to the values of the culture under the unconscious belief that if we show our defective part, we will suffer rejection.

Wednesday, October 23rd
Cía Collectif Troika.
In See-saw, the Troïka collective puts on the table questions about a facet of human nature: the human gambler. Metaphorizing the game to life, we ask ourselves: What are our greatest desires? What strategies are used to achieve them? Where are our limits?
Thursday, October 24th
Cía Danza Down
Fragments of one of the representative white ballets of the universal repertoire “Swan Lake” P.I. Tchaikovsky, adapted to our dancers under the strictest canons of classical dance, choreographed by Elías Lafuente.
Históricos de Danza

It is the rite of a female body that desires, that transforms and is transformed, as part of a galaxy of knowledge, processes, times, emotions, heritages and scales.


It is part of the work HUERTO. It is the result of a deep research work between artistic professionals, astrophysical and biochemical sciences, technology and the so-called ‘occult sciences’, together with the body and its physical and emotional experience.

Saturday, October 26th
Cía Babirusa.
It is a metaphor of how to arrange bodies in relation, from the true power of reflecting their interaction from themselves towards the whole, taking the risk of facing delicacy from physical contact and bonding to let the lights that reside in each other and in their exchange be seen.
Cía Paula Quintana.

It is the rite of a female body that desires, that transforms and is transformed, as part of a galaxy of knowledge, processes, times, emotions, heritages and scales.


It is part of the work HUERTO. It is the result of a deep research work between artistic professionals, astrophysical and biochemical sciences, technology and the so-called ‘occult sciences’, together with the body and its physical and emotional experience.

Sunday, October 27th
Cia. BorderlineDanza
PINK OR BLUE is the title/content of the choreographic project related to Woman Made where the theme of gender is faced, with clarity and ambiguity, crossing meanings and sensations and trying to question what is felt and what are the certainties of the observer.
Domingo 17 de noviembre

Compañía EnClaveDANZA

Open borders began as a utopia about opposing visions: the rural and the urban with a focus on women in a hollowed out Spain.


This theme inevitably connects us with a form of still life, with forgotten villages, migrations and agrarian nature, with forgotten villages, with migrations and with agrarian problems in the age of digitalization; all seen through the prism of the women who inhabit these spaces. They inhabit bodies conditioned by their environment and climatology. We were also interested in addressing masculinities in agrarian environments