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Thursday, October 24th

“El lago de los Cisnes” Variaciones
Cía Elías Lafuente – Danza Down
NOTA: Cuándo subas las imágenes, selecciona en el carrusel «diapositivas a mostrar» la cantidad de fotos que quieras que aparezca (deberían ser 3) y en tamaño, colócale personalizado y seleccionas estas dimensiones 250x380px (este es el tamaño predeterminado para las fotos). Si es 1 o 2 fotos que solo va a tener el carrusel, solo subelas y en dónde dice «diapositivas a mostrar» le colocas 1 o 2, según las que hayas subido y en «tamaño de la imagen» si dejas «large 1024x1024px»

Fragments of one of the representative white ballets of the universal repertoire “Swan Lake” P.I. Tchaikovsky, adapted to our dancers under the strictest canons of classical dance, choreographed by Elías Lafuente.

In a palace a party is celebrated, princesses and princes come to dance to the sound of music. An enchantment makes the princesses turn into swans, the princes sad, go in search of the antidote, in the end they get it and once the spell is broken love triumphs.

Artistic data
  • Author choreography: Elías Lafuente Escrig: – “Adapted version of the ballet”.
  • Music: P.I. Tchaikovsky
  • Date of creation: 2014
  • Duration of the work: 20 min. (Choreography adaptable to different durations)
  • Costumes: Cornejo – Families

Dance company composed of 40 dancers with intellectual disabilities, Down syndrome. Created more than 20 years ago by Elías Lafuente, during which he trained and provided his dancers with the necessary courage and enthusiasm, so that they could feel the deep honor and dignity of being artists.


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