en" EN

Thursday, October 17th
Cía Daniel Abreu. Madrid.
NOTA: Cuándo subas las imágenes, selecciona en el carrusel «diapositivas a mostrar» la cantidad de fotos que quieras que aparezca (deberían ser 3) y en tamaño, colócale personalizado y seleccionas estas dimensiones 250x380px (este es el tamaño predeterminado para las fotos). Si es 1 o 2 fotos que solo va a tener el carrusel, solo subelas y en dónde dice «diapositivas a mostrar» le colocas 1 o 2, según las que hayas subido y en «tamaño de la imagen» si dejas «large 1024x1024px»

What is left after a house is demolished?

Who has the keys to this door?

Can I dance with you if you’re not here?

I wish those stones would listen to the party again…

Take the chairs away.

Don’t cry for me.

Ask me to dance.

Artistic data
  • Director and interpreter: Pablo Pérez Alonso
  • Director and interpreter: Laura López Muñoz

Laura López Muñoz and Pablo Pérez Alonso converge contemporary dance with tradition and folklore and investigate the loss of legacy through those stories left by our ancestors. Both are choreographers and freelance dancers and work in recognized companies and projects at national and international level.


Together they have won awards such as the selection in the Acieloabierto Network or the special mention of the jury in the Harria Choreographic Contest (Vitoria). They have participated with their project in international festivals such as Cádiz en Danza, Más Danza or Dantza Irian.


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