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Sunday, October 6th
Cía UMAMI. Madrid
NOTA: Cuándo subas las imágenes, selecciona en el carrusel «diapositivas a mostrar» la cantidad de fotos que quieras que aparezca (deberían ser 3) y en tamaño, colócale personalizado y seleccionas estas dimensiones 250x380px (este es el tamaño predeterminado para las fotos). Si es 1 o 2 fotos que solo va a tener el carrusel, solo subelas y en dónde dice «diapositivas a mostrar» le colocas 1 o 2, según las que hayas subido y en «tamaño de la imagen» si dejas «large 1024x1024px»

A fast-paced adventure with two hilarious characters, told through several stories intertwined endlessly that won’t leave you blinking.


Nothing like you’ve tried before, this street dance duo creates classic numbers with contemporary touches in a surreal blend of breakdance, theater, pantomime and physical comedy, using the audience as a link in the story.


Stories full of positive energy take place facing problems such as discrimination in its different types, racism, age or sexuality.

Artistic data
  • Performers: Gustavo Hoyos and Jerome Leperlier
  • Length: 45min

Umami is a Japanese word meaning “tasty” and is one of the five basic tastes along with sweet, sour, bitter and salty.

With this inspiration Gustavo Hoyos (Spain) and Jerome Leperlier (France) created the company in December 2013 giving it a strong comic character, using Breakdance, physical comedy, pantomime and theater as scenic languages, seeking to awaken the passersby of the cities making them participants of the show with the aim of transforming the squares into improvised stages and allowing access to art to the public without resources.


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