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Thursday, October 17th
Cía Daniel Abreu. Madrid.
NOTA: Cuándo subas las imágenes, selecciona en el carrusel «diapositivas a mostrar» la cantidad de fotos que quieras que aparezca (deberían ser 3) y en tamaño, colócale personalizado y seleccionas estas dimensiones 250x380px (este es el tamaño predeterminado para las fotos). Si es 1 o 2 fotos que solo va a tener el carrusel, solo subelas y en dónde dice «diapositivas a mostrar» le colocas 1 o 2, según las que hayas subido y en «tamaño de la imagen» si dejas «large 1024x1024px»

In every relationship (not only affective) there are always three in play. In this case, the field is that third element that sustains and contains them.


The symbolism of this work is expressed through a light and subtle charge that every relationship carries. We play with gravity and balance. The wind and its recreation. The transfer of loads and poetry. Bodies move from the fragile, the sinuous.

Artistic data
  • Title: Más o menos inquietos
  • Director: Daniel Abreu
  • Performers: Carmen Fumero and Daniel Abreu
  • In collaboration with: Centro de Danza Canal and Festival Cuadernos Escénicos (Garachico, Tenerife)
  • Distributed by: Elena Santonja

Founded in 2004, the Daniel Abreu Company is one of the most outstanding of the Spanish national scene.


Daniel Abreu’s choreographic work is defined by the use of simple tools of interpretative language, the strength and personality of the dancers, the suggestive landscapes that derive in the construction of images of great close and dreamlike weight, and a sensitive sound environment.


The different translations of the scenic image and a story of great poetic weight, an outstanding characteristic in each work, sustain each of the creations premiered, in solo or group format.


The Daniel Abreu Company’s team is made up of dancers with a great vocation for physical vocabulary and corporal communication. To date, the company has premiered more than 60 works.


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